Step 1.
Cook the sausages over medium heat, turning them occasionally until they are brown and cooked through. In the same pan, cook the bacon, turning it as needed to cook it evenly.
Step 2.
While the sausages and bacon are cooking, heat a little oil in another frying pan. Add the mushrooms. Leave them to cook without moving them, until they are brown and caramelized.
Step 3.
While the mushrooms are cooking, heat the beans in a small pan on low heat, and place some bread on a toaster or under the grill.
Step 4.
Remove the mushrooms from the pan, then add the chopped tomatoes and cook them briefly. Season the mushrooms and tomatoes them with salt and pepper.
Step 5.
Add a little olive oil to the frying pan and fry the eggs to your liking.
Step 6.
Plate everything up: sausages, beans, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggs. Serve with toast on the side and enjoy immediately!
For 2 servings
can baked beans
slices of bacon
of cherry tomatoes
3 tsp
of extra virgin olive oil
of white mushrooms, sliced
Salt and pepper to taste
Sliced bread, toasted
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